Immerse Yourself In Health

Wellness Consulting & Functional Health Coaching

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Hi there, I’m Lisa!

I am a Wellness Consultant and Functional Health Coach with over twenty-five years of experience, education and training. I work with both individuals and groups, assisting them to achieve optimal health & wellness. My focus is on addressing chronic illness, with an emphasis on Digestive Disorders & Autoimmune Diseases. I’m passionate about engaging with people to help them get their lives back!

Wellness Workshops:

All of my workshops are between 1 1/2 – 2 hours in length with a similar format and structure. They are interactive throughout with a slideshow presentation, time for questions/discussion, brainstorming and peer-sharing, as well as exercises for action and next steps. Participants are provided with helpful information & tips during the sessions, opportunities to connect with others in situations similar to themselves, and receive handouts to take away with them at the end of the workshop.  

Outsmart Your Sugar Habit

This workshop will explore how sugar effects your mood, attention,  productivity, behaviour and sleep. You will learn tips for navigating the sugar-laden world we live in, as well as how to gradually reduce or even eliminate sugar from your diet. We will explore how to deal with sugar cravings, naturally sweet food options and ways to improve how you & your family eat as a whole.

Address the Stress In Your Life

We have recently experienced major alterations to our daily lives – from physical distancing requirements, restrictions on public gatherings and travel, to the disruption of our livelihoods, the closing of schools, and fear for our own health & that of our loved ones. Under normal circumstances just one of these things would be enough to create stress! So it is understandable if you are finding yourself unable to handle things or respond in what would normally be a calm & rational manner. Attend this session to better equip yourself with helpful tips and practical tools for going forward.

Is Gluten Free for Me?

So many people have been talking about or going gluten-free that you may be wondering what all the fuss is about and whether or not it’s right for you! This workshop will explain what gluten is, whether or not it is dangerous to cut out gluten (what the research actually says), the hidden or sneaky forms of gluten, how NOT to go gluten-free, as well as tips for doing it.

Digestive Reset FOr gut health

This program was developed in collaboration with a nutritionist and is meant for anyone wishing to “reset/change-up” what is currently going on in their gut, as well as develop healthier eating habits in the long-term. It offers a series of anti-inflammatory, whole-food recipes (with no Dairy, Gluten or Sugar), sample meal plans, clear steps to prepare for & undertake the Reset, as well as information for beyond the program. It also includes “live”, hands-on support and coaching for success!

Immerse Yourself in Health